Participation in therapy can result in a number of benefits to you, including improving interpersonal relationships and resolution of the specific concerns that led you to seek help. Working toward these benefits, however, requires effort on your part. Psychotherapy requires your very active involvement, honesty, and openness in order to change your thoughts, feelings, and/or behavior. Sometimes more than one approach can be helpful in dealing with a certain situation. During therapy, remembering or talking about unpleasant events, feelings, or thoughts can result in your experiencing considerable discomfort or strong feelings of anger, sadness, worry, fear, etc., or experiencing anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc…. Change will sometimes be easy and swift, but more often it will be slow and even frustrating. There is no guarantee that psychotherapy will yield positive or intended results. There is no timeline for how long therapy will last.
Fee: Office hours are by appointment only. My usual and customary fee for individual therapy is $125.00 per hour/ for a 50 minute session. Typically, I see active clients once a week. The frequency may increase or decrease based on the needs of the client. *Please Note: Regarding insurance, I only see clients who have Contra Costa County Medi-cal. Please call the Access Line at 1-888-678-7277 or 925-372-4428 Payment is required at the time that services are rendered in the form of exact cash, credit/debit card.